Earlier this week, The Sun reported that Megan Fox had signed on to play Catwoman in the next Batman film. The rumor has since been debunked by People, but as a Catwoman fan, it made me think about who I would like to see play Selina Kyle if Catwoman ever makes her way back to the silver screen.
Catwoman (the movie) was one of the worst films I have seen in my life. No disrespect to Halle Berry, but they changed the entire back story, feline abilities, and name of the character so much, they should have just called it something else ("Random Cat Lady," perhaps?)
Catwoman IS Selina Kyle, not "Patience Phillips." Would they ever make a Batman movie without Bruce Wayne? A Spider-Man with no Peter Parker? I think not.

Sorry, Halle :(
Someone should have made a Catwoman movie 10 years ago with Michelle Pfeiffer. Her portrayal of Selina Kyle in Tim Burton's 1992 epic Batman Returns is the gold standard. She flipped, skipped, and sauntered across Gotham City kicking ass and breaking hearts. She was dark, witty, conflicted, and immensely quotable.
"I am Catwoman, hear me roar!"
So who should play the next Catwoman? Megan? Angelina? Jocelyn Wildenstein?

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