Monday, August 16, 2010

Do Not Let Your Cat Let You Drive Drunk

The Guardian is reporting that British cricket player and noted cat enthusiast, Graeme Swann, was arrested and charged with drunk driving this morning while trying to save one of his beloved kittens, Max. Showing that his love for felines knows no bounds, Graeme selflessly sped to the supermarket at 3am to purchase a screwdriver, after his wife had informed him that little Max was trapped under the floorboards in their house.

Officers at the scene reported that Graeme's speech was slightly slurred, and that he was upset about the cat.

"He was waving the screwdrivers, saying: 'It's not for what you think, the screwdrivers aren't for what you think'."

Swann has pled not guilty to the charges against him, and plans to continue tweeting about the joys of kittenhood.