The Smoking Gun reports that Jersey Shore "party's here!" cast member, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, has been denied a trademark on her name for the purpose of publishing books because one already exists for a similarly marmalade colored, cuddly creature - Snooky the Cat.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark office may have a good point. Snooki and Snooky are one in the same. As People points out, they are both orange, can go a bit overboard, and know the value of friendship. Most importantly, they are both most notorious for their time spent at the shore as showcased on MTV, and in one of Snooky the cat's books, Adventures of Snooky: Under the Sea.
However, one important question still remains: What kind of books does Snooki (the guidette) plan on publishing?
Cat Snooki Punch (Jersey Shore Spoof)

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