Poet Simon Armitage recently interviewed British music legend and animal rights activist, Morrissey for The Guardian. A photographer snapped a photo of the two men together, but in the end, the privilege of appearing with Moz in the article went to a cat.
Simon sez:
"OK, how about, 'Do you have any pets?'"
"Yes. Cats. I've had lots of cats. But also many bereavements."
A prescient remark, as it turns out, and one that suggests I should have taken Morrissey's powers of prediction more seriously. Because a week or so later I get a message to say he hates the photographs so much he has insisted they will never see the light of day. The bereavement, it seems, is mine, in the sense that he won't be seen dead with me. And I am to be replaced in the images by a cat. Thirty years of admiration bordering on the obsessive, then a date, then dumped. Jilted for a f***ing moggy."
via Guardian.co.uk via dlisted

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