Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cat Hat Fix: Scooter Knits

I've recently become somewhat of a curator in the area of fine cat hats. This week brings us the hand-knitted stylings of Scooter Knits, provider of seasonal headwear for cats and dogs.

But mostly cats. :)

Santa Paws? Santa Claws? Either way, from the look on his face you're getting nothing but coal in your stocking this year.

Free kitty kisses!

The artist used pipe cleaners to reinforce the antlers, how clever!

Punk rock pussycat.

"I am an anarchist I know what I want and I know how to get it"

Shop all of the styles in Scooter Knits Etsy shop by clicking here.


  1. Hats on cats, cats in hats, I do not fink I like a hat on moi but yoo look mahvelous!


    Peeeeeeee Ssssss - Fanks fer postin bout Old Man Gunner, he deserves some pawsome love in his late years!

  2. LOVE the hats and extra points for the Sex Pistols quote... ;)

  3. omc i love them! don't know how my kitties would feel about them though!

  4. You know Jake not only has the mistletoe hat, but he poses like a rock star with it on.

  5. Oh I love the The Reindeer Cat Hat, is the pattern for sale? I woiuld love to make it for my sister's cat!

  6. @Sophie Not sure if she just sells the patterns, but you can contact her to ask! http://www.etsy.com/shop/scooterKnits
