It's been a little over a month since we last checked in with one of my favorite internet cats, the perpetually meditative Basket Cat. It's comforting to know that amidst all of the chaos in the world, somewhere on the Japanese countryside a serene white kitty with an orange striped tail is hard at work balancing produce on its head.
It's also important to note that Basket Cat does not work alone. He's part of a tight knit passel of pussycats, and the love between them is evident. Whether they're just loafing around in a box, or hanging out on a tree limb wearing soup cartons on their heads, these furry boys like to stay close and have lots of fun.

Want to see more? You can follow the daily adventures of Basket Cat and his friends on his blog, here.

these were so cute! I had never heard of "Basket Cat"
oh now i know they're basket cats why??? i lvoe them so much..i wish i can have 3 more cats someday..i can only afford 1...:P
Omgawd, these cats have the best attitudes and the most perfect expressions! Such a lovely fuzzy family, all in the box, or just together AND SMILING!
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