While it's true that 2009 was really the "Year of Maru," the beloved Japanese kitty was still busy this year bringing his cuteness and box loving ways to the masses. In honor of his hard work, I've put together a monthly list of highlights to help us all relive Maru's magical year.

Winner of Urlesque's CATFIGHT! Maru beat out the likes of Ceiling Cat, Sockington, Longcat, Limecat, and Happycat to be crowned the web's most favorite feline.
Need an even bigger Maru fix? Check out his blog and YouTube channel for more!

Most Excellent! I left Maru off my Best of 2010 list, but your compilation of the Best of Maru convinced me to add him. This is wonderful.
Thank you!! <3
Oh, my gosh what an adorable guy! Thanks for sharing with those of us who haven't been properly introduced to Maru.
@Watson the cat: Thanks for stopping by! I just checked your site and I remember seeing your awesome kitty stuff at the BUST Craftacular!
Maru is THE MAN! You did a great job of putting this all together. I'm sharing this on Facebook and saving the email too, cause I don't want to lose it for any future references - he comes up in conversations occasionally!
@MyFuZZyButtZ Thanks for your kind words! Glad you enjoyed it! :D
this cat looks like nermal fluffy kitten who leaves the jealous garfield
este gato se parece com o nermal o gatinho fofo que deixa o garfield enciumado
maru e lindo, fofo, "inteligente", curioso e muito mais, graças a ele eu agora gost ode gatos e comprei um pra mim que tanbem e uma fofa, sem duvida criaturinhas assim mostram o bom humor e a imença sabedoria de seu projetista: jeová Deus, agradeso a essa blogue por postar algo tão agradável e inspirador.
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