Quirky Cute: Kitty Paw Soap
21 Cats With Fur Hearts
When Shelter Videos Go Viral: Kitty Midnight Madness!
"Here are two of my (five) little ones: Bonni (left) & Luna (right). They always want to be close to me which gets a little cramped on my desk when I want to work (okok play) on my PC. :)
But don’t we just love them for that?!"
Indeed we do Chris, indeed we do! I must also note that immediately after receiving this email I got another one from the same address requesting catnip and tuna, so I'm wondering who really did the typing here! I love sweet Bonni doing her best innocent kitty "paws up" pose, and Luna is just keeping the keys warm for you! Who doesn't want to bury their nose in that marshmallow tummy floof?
It's Caturday!
ThunderCats Are Back!
Harry Potter Cat Retires To The British Isles
1961 Black Cat Horror Movie Auditions
Little Miss Sunshine
10 Cat Themed Valentine's Day Gift Ideas For Under $20