Cat paws are the best! You can squish them, balance things on them, and even decorate them! It's being reported that today is the most depressing day of the year, so I thought what better way to battle the blues than with a sweet little collection of purrfect kitty feet?

OMG AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Thanks for making my day!
Aww, so cute. I love kitty toes.
Oh, we are sighing so loudly over here. Our Mom just loves cat feet and she always says she wishes her feet looked as good as ours. Whatzatmean? She wants our pretty furs between her toes, too? Never can figure out human thought.
We are scrolling and scrolling (mom taught us that word just today) and we see what she means now. FEETS are beautiful!
Nose lick and headbonks from us to you :)
love these little paws!!!! thank you for this very sweet post!
Love the teddy bear kitty paw, that is so cute. Mummy, what are you doing with that felt tip pen? Mummy? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
Paw-a-licious! Such a dainty post! Love it :)
Oh my gosh, I have kitty toes on my blog today too! I just love plump kissable toe pads!!!!
I just love kitty toes/paws and those are some of the cutest ones EVER!
You're right about the tootsies (or would it be "pawsies " in this case? ) I feel so much better. ~^..^~
Oh, oh. My Human is beside herself! I think this is what they mean by "cute overload". We loves our toesies...
My mommy constatly squishes and kisses my toesies and now..she sees these????
oh this is a purrrfect collection of kitty toes! <3
little known fact... if you approach your kitty when it is very relaxed, & wiggle a finger inbetween the kitty toes & pad... the cat will spread its toes which is super squeee :)
I thought I was the only one who loved playing with my kitty's toes! Glad to know I'm not alone :)
I loooooove kitty toes (and kitty noses)!!!!!
There are way too many pics on my phone of my cat's feet or footies as I call them.
The best warm-fuzzy feeling is when I'm barefoot, and she steps on my foot with her footies! Something that seems like bonding or just very sweet about that.
I know I sound crazy, but I love it!
Awesome post!
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