Hello Kitty is at it again! Just last month she helped cops catch a thief in Texas, and now she's taking her crime-fighting skills overseas, by thwarting a serial burglar in Japan.
The Mainichi Daily News reports, "Police suspected that a person wearing sandals bearing the cartoon character Kitty was in involved in the crime, cased on footprints left at the scene. On June 4 last year (the suspect) was spotted wearing pink Kitty sandals. He was carrying a screwdriver that police suspected he intended to use to break into a home and police immediately arrested him on suspicion of violating a law banning possession of lock picking equipment."
The conspicuous sandals have now linked the man to 347 additional reports "of theft and other charges." He currently stands accused of breaking into 439 homes between 2004 and 2010 and stealing 12.77 million yen in cash.
Captain Obvious tip of the day? It's not a good idea to wear your favorite pink Hello Kitty sandals when embarking on multiyear crime spree!

You think that he might have bought himself a new pair of shoes with the yen he stole!
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