Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snooki Would Choose Her Cat Over Her Boyfriend

Can it be true? As much as Jersey Shore star Snooki loves her hot, tan, gorilla juiceheads, she revealed on Sirius/XM Radio last week that she wouldn't let a guy interfere with the close relationships she has with her pets. When pressed by The Morning Mashup host Rich Davis on if she'd pick her cats over a man, she replied, "Of course. I mean, [the boyfriend] will always be around. You never know when my cat's going to die."

Flawed logic, perhaps, but her heart is in the right place! Snooki currently has four furry BFFs - Her puppy, Gia, and three cats - Rocky, Tommy, and Vito.


  1. Mom says it's nice to know there is a brain in there somewhere ;)

  2. As long as her kitties get top billing over her men... we ain't complaining! Cats rule!!!

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  3. Right, not the smartest thing ever said but a good warm heart.

    Au is still eating so we're over the moon. Thanks for your purrs.

  4. I don't know who that is, but it makes sense to me!

  5. Way to go Snooki! She's got her priorities spot-on!

  6. I normally can't stand her but I am glad to see that there is at least SOMETHING that I like about her now
