Love Song - 2010
Paul Koh is the Singapore-based artist behind the vibrant and happiness inducing art known as catmaSutra. The talented cat lover seems to have endless ideas for the serene kitty that appears in his paintings, and describes his work as, "a unique and original cat art collection that captures the charm, nonchalance, and cheekiness of the quintessential cat, unraveling the deep philosophical astuteness of its free-spirited nature."

See No Evil (Morning Cat) - 2008
Cat Sutra II - 2008
Dance Me To The End Of Love - 2009
I love how Koh draws from a wide range of influences, from Surrealist Pop, and Cat Art Parody, to of course, his Zen-Inspired cat art collection; However, the main inspiration behind his work is something much more personal. He says that his paintings are, "based on the essence of my two cats, Halo and Angel (a ginger tabby and a Russian Blue), and crystallized into the catmaSutra cat, with its trademark 'eyes-wide-closed' and 'ear-to-ear' grin," symbolizing a deep-seated childhood innocence cum devil-may-care bravado!"
It's true that Paul is able to perfectly capture the playful kitty spirit within his paintings, and in addition to sharing his art, he was also kind enough to send along some pictures of his two beautiful muses!
The artist's muse!
Want to see more of Paul's amazing paintings? Be sure to visit, 'Like' the catmaSutra Fan Page on Facebook, and pick up some goodies in his CafePress shop!

Her art is just AWESOME !!!!
Me and my mom love her works and we follow her as well. I hope one day she will paint tuxie cat : )
Have a lovely day.
Ohhhh Myyyy I am in love with how he draws that cat! thanks for sharing
you are in sooooooooooo much trouble!!! MOL!! See the time on the above comment by me? See the time NOW?? That is how long I was just in Paul's site....I just ordered THREE prints! OMG! (unframed)...not is medium, 2 are smalls (not petite)
I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that you featured him. The cat that he has created (so whimsically and beautifully) looks like my Angel Bobo looked!!! (I have a thing where I try to only get cat related items that look like my cat(s)) Because Bobo is gone...I HAD to have these!!
You have made my night...(but hurt my bank account!! lmao!!)
Thanks so much for featuring him!
LOL Caren!! Oh my gosh, that's awesome!! Which ones did you get?? They are all so nice - it's so hard to choose!! I'm so happy I was able to make your've totally made mine too!! xo :)
oh shoot! I should email you a copy of my receipt, I may do that! I should have printed which ones. I looked at soooo many....I wanted to buy EVERYTHING. catmaSutra sooo touched me, the style, the colors, the fact that he looks sooo much like my Bobo...I will see if it shows it on the receipt
Those are so beautiful!!!
Those really are super paintings. We just don't have the green papers. But they are just terrific. Good for Caren to buy some of them. Hope you have a fantastic day.
Wow what gorgeous art, we love it!
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