Friskies just launched Games For Cats, a site that contains a trio of amusements designed to delight little feline gamers everywhere. The selections, meant to be played on iPad and Android OS tablets, include "Cat Fishing", "Tasty Treasures Hunt", and my personal favorite, "Party Mix-Up!", where curious kitties can "catch" treats and watch them multiply before their very eyes. (It should be noted that Purina claims the iPad's glass screen is immune to razor-sharp kitty claws.)
In addition to the cat apps, Friskies has also announced two iPhone apps for humans, including the game Wonderland Quest 2, and a forthcoming app called "Here Kitty Kitty" that beckons cats with the sound of a tin can opening, a food bag rusting, and a bird chirping.
So what is the effect of all of these free apps on cat food consumers? AdWeek hilariously notes that, "Purina commissioned a study by Dynamic Logic that showed the human games had a positive impact not only on sales but also on the perceived quality of Friskies taste." D'oh!
Games For Cats joins the previously released non-Purina sponsored Paint for Cats, another iPad app designed for tech-savvy kitties. Picasso like pussycats can simultaneously chase a mouse, and paint a one-of-a-kind masterpiece at the same time. Cnet recently lined up three cats to review the app, with mixed results.
And finally, as if having a real cat (and cat hair) on your iPad weren't enough, there's always the Cat Fun iPad Case ($37.00) to help keep your pricey purchase safe and sound.
Have you, or will you try any of these apps? Let me know in the comments!

oh!! now i want an iPad too!!
this is absolutely positively COOL. My boyfriend works at apple, I will have to show him this!! Now I want an ipad for my cats! By the way, I love your cat blog. Its hip and cool, thats the idea I had in mind for my blog. Thanks for posting.
Well we don't have an Ipad and sure don't have the green papers to get one but those games etc. do look like a lot of fun. That was someone's great idea. Hope you have a fantastic week end.
Our mom doesn't have an iPad so she hasn't seen these but she has a Windows Phone with this game on it called chain reaction and Trixie is fascinated by it and can play it (you just touch the screen one time to play - and it is cat-pad sensitive so it works!) Hopefully they will come out with these for other platforms soon!
@etorpin Thanks for your kind words about my blog! :)
ok I am NOT "biting" this time!!!! Just bought the new Sprint phone cause of you...(lol) which has the CUTEST kitty app that you can download (of course I did!!) I am wondering if any of these games can be played on that as well or just an iPad? These kitties have some great paw action!
It''s quite impressive.
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