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Gilbert the kitten is resting comfortably at a New York City animal hospital after nearly losing all of his nine-lives just two weeks ago. The curious four-month-old miraculously survived a seven-story balcony fall after being found by a good Samaritan, who rushed him to Animal Care & Control. The tiny kitten fractured the roof of his mouth, and broke both of his front legs in the tumble.
"He's all dressed up for Spring!" Look at his little casts!
Gilbert was so excited to see the camera, the reporter had to hold him to keep him off his feet.
Dr. Stephanie Janeczko says Gilbert is making a great recovery and is not expected to sustain any long-term health problems from the fall. He'll be ready for his new forever home soon, and I'm sure this beautiful blue-eyed baby will get scooped up quickly! We're rooting for you, Gilbert!

Oh that dear sweet darling I am glad he was saved. I think you are right someone will be happy to give him a forever home.. Hugs GJ xx
Wishing him all the best. Fractured the roof of his mouth? I hope he's able to eat alright.
Oh Gilbert we are so glad you are going to be ok! You are such a cutie - we know you will have a great forever home soon!!
Oh that breaks my heart that the poor baby got hurt so severely. It makes me happy to know he is so well on the mend and that someone was led to help him/ MUCH love to him always.
Porr kitty - hope he is top notch again!
Wow, we sure are glad he didn't get hurt any worse than that. We sure hope someone takes him. He is so cute. Got our paws crossed for you Gilbert.
Poor little baby!
Cloon's Human: What a darling! So glad he will be ok. Those casts are something else! Much to my horror, my first cat ever jumped out a 10 story window when someone was taking care of him for a few days. I was so thankful that he survived with no internal injuries but had to have one of his back legs amputated. He was an incredible cat and went full force with 3 legs for 15 years.
@Cloon's Human: Wow! That is amazing!
Goodness gracious, dis kitty looks a bit like a Ragdoll. Who would not claim him? I bet he'll be scooped up in no time.
awww such an amazing rescue story. i hope she's recovered well!! thank you for the rescuers!
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