I'm endlessly intrigued by the recent stream of cat advertising for items completely unrelated to cats. The latest example of this growing trend is a commercial for Sprint, promoting their new Nexus S 4G phone. The ad promises a device so powerful, that now you can "fill the internet with even MORE cats!", and features glimpses of viral video stars such as Nyan Cat, Kitten Eating with Chopsticks (Our friend Cooper from Sweetfurr!), Surprised Kitten, and Kittens Playing on a Slide.
I probably still wouldn't switch, but hey, they got my attention!

I wouldn't give up Apple BUT...they got mom's attention too. Cute commercial. xoxo
The cat driving the car looks just like Ben!!!
This is very interesting...
I knew it! Cats and Androids are the best combination ever!
OMC!! OMC!!!! Sprint is our carrier!!! OMC I WANT THIS PHONE!! I am due for an upgrade in August I think.......I am going to look into this SOON!! I LOVE that commercial!! I WANT THAT PHONE! Thank you for featuring this!
Do you have ANY idea how much I LOVE YOU!!??? You are making me go broke!! I bought artwork because of you....AND....GUESS WHAT?????
My husband went to Sprint yesterday after I went nuts for this phone (because of YOU)...they are pushing his upgrade up earlier (mine isn't til August) and we are getting this phone for me for our wedding anniversary (which is June 24) but we are GETTING THE PHONE TODAY!!!! Right after I go and work out. I am BEYOND EXCITED!!!!!
THANK YOU for showing this phone! LOVE YOU!
@Caren Aww!! I love you too!! That's wonderful news!!! Happy early Anniversary, and enjoy your awesome new phone!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Thank you!!! I have it and have been busy trying to figure it out...so far so good!!! They have the cutest kitty app you can download (which of course I did lol).....you talk and he repeats what you say. You can feed him milk, pet him...sooooooo cute! Thankfully Sprint gave me an upgrade a couple of months early (of course they did cause it is the most expensive phone they have, which I found out today)....thank goodness for the upgrade though! I am still figuring it out...should keep me busy for a while! :)
Maru shoulda been in the commercial too! Ah, but he's probably under contract with Fresh Step.
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