(Click here if you have trouble viewing the video.)
You're going to want to have some tissues on hand for this one, and if you're at work, get ready to do some desk crying!
Judy had already found two of her three missing cats after a tornado ripped through her Tuscaloosa home, but nearly a month later, her 10-year-old cat Cadie was still missing.
Miraculously, while surveying the damage with a local news reporter, Cadie appeared out of nowhere for an unbelievable reunion.
"I wish he could talk, he could tell me where he's been!"
The story reminds me of this video taken after the earthquake in Japan, where another woman found her lost cat during a news broadcast. Those kitties just love the camera!
Via cbs42 / CNN / Covered in Cat Hair
New 5/23! Click here for an update on the story!

I was prepared, but not that prepared! <3
Miracles do happen! *tears* of joy!
Oh this makes me so happy. Only another kitty person can appreciate the love that baby was shown and I thought aI heard purring when she held her baby? What a fabulous story.
Amazing! Did you hear him purring when she picked him up??? So so sweet!
Awwwww....that made my eyes leak!! So happy for both of them.
Well I am a true believer in miracles. That is so great that she found her kitty. That is terrific. Thanks for telling us about that.
I was just going to say what Jana said...OMG I could hear him purring! I am so happy that dear woman has her 3 cats...with all of the devastation around her...her home gone...her life is complete because she has her babies. What a great story!
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