Yesterday was Friday, so I guess that means today must be...Caturday!
This week's highlights included getting the latest updates from Japan's Cat Island, landing an interview with jewelry designer Flora Davis about her collection of cat hair necklaces, singing along with an adorable musical tribute to a cat named Mr. B, getting an engineer's perspective on the eHarmony crazy cat lady video, and admiring some barely there, boob covering cat fashions.
Also, on a personal note, all day yesterday I was at a shoot for "Glee Live! 3D!", although I'm sad to report that Lord Tubbington was not in attendance. :(
Now, on to the reason we're all here! I think you'll agree with me that today's featured feline is a doozy. A triple threat of cuteness, softness, and smartness!
Katy sent in some pics, and also included this adorable paw-typed missive from her cat, Rupert.
He writes:
"Hi. My name is Rupert. I’m a nine-month old Ragdoll kitten who lives with my Mummy in Melbourne, Australia.
Mum likes to think that she picked me from the breeders, but truth is... I picked her! And now that I’m well and truly settled in her house I believe it’s my right to claim at least half of it!
My favourite things include my scratching post, feathers (Mummy has had to hide her pink Ostrich feather pillow as I claimed it as my kill!) and my spiky ball! I have an obsession with Mummy’s hair ties. She buys packets of them and I cunningly steal one from her head when she’s watching TV or on the computer. I flick it myself around the house and I go flying after it and bring it back. It’s much more fun when Mum plays with me though.
Talking of computers, I also love to sit over keyboards and paw at the mouse pointer on the screen. It’s constantly taunting me, I tell you!
I love to eat chicken in gravy and I once had a fondness for cold pieces of lamb meat. I’m not allowed lamb anymore. Instead of eating it in the kitchen, I like to parade each piece around the house and drop it elsewhere to eat when I choose. My favourite spot for this is Mummy’s bed. She really didn’t like me doing that and looked real mad.
I enjoy sleeping - on window sills, on Mum’s lap, high up on the couch, tables... anywhere really. Next to sleep, the best thing ever is when I spot a bug on the wall. I chirrup like mad at it and make plans on how I’m going to attack it.
I love it when people visit me as I get extra cuddles and people call me handsome. People think that I’m a cat, but they’re wrong. I’m actually human.
When I grow up, I’ve decided I’m going to be incredibly good looking and run a media empire."
Hmm..I don't think Rupert's goals are too lofty. After all, he's already incredibly handsome, and how hard can it be to build a media empire, anyway? All I ask is that when he makes it big, he remembers where he got his start!
A special thanks goes out to Katy for sharing her little bunny-cat with us this week, and to Rupert for showcasing his awesome 'puter skillz!
Just to do a little housekeeping, I (finally) added a Google Friend Connect button, so you can connect with me by clicking the "Follow" button on the left hand side of the page. Also, THANK YOU to everyone who has already nominated me for Best Cat Blog at the 2011 Petties Pet Blog Awards! I love you guys! If you haven't already, click here for details on how to cast your vote. The ballot will be open until Wednesday, June 29th!
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always taking submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Email your best kitty pics to, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share! I can't wait to hear from you!

Wow, Rupert is certainly gorgeous! Happy Hopping!
Happy Caturday!! Rupert is such a fluffy cute kitty!! It's funny that he steals his mom's hair tie from her head! It's so adorable :-)
We wish you have a wonderful weekend!!
Rupert, you are one cute kitty. We love your colors.Hope you have a great week end. Take care.
Thanks for introducing us to Rupert! He sure is a handsome guy!!
Happy Caturday - nice to meet Rupert!
Sweet kitty!
Oh my! Rupert would be a great match for Neytiri! He is one sweet and gorgeous Mancat!
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