Friday, June 17, 2011

Shironeko's Spring Floral Moment

It's been a few months since we last checked in on Shironeko, otherwise known as Basket Cat. The calm, Japanese kitty has been as busy as ever, posting new photographs of himself every day in all-new, delightful poses.

Most recently, the meditative moggy has taken to donning gorgeous, floral enhanced hats that would make even a member of the Royal Family jealous.

Watch out, Princess Beatrice. You've got some competition!


  1. I can't decide which hat I like the best. They are all so wonderful.... HEE HEE

    pawhugs, Max

  2. I love the fashions but more so i adore the sleepy kitty face..xxoo

  3. What great hats - the model was so good! Thank you for coming to our party yesterday it was great to meet you.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Mom loves the last picture the best - and she is having an overwhelming urge to squeeze his cheeks!!!

  5. My mom wants to know how they got so much kitty into the first basket?! She loves that pic!

  6. Well, the Human loves these pictures, but I think they're not very Mancatly. His owner should fin a nice beret or top hat for him and jettison all the flowers!

  7. We are so jealous; we only have stupid birthday hats and we have to wear them all day Saturday for the parteeee!

  8. Unreal! What a fabulous cat and outstanding pictures!
