Hey kitties! I'm so excited to share the very first episode of The official Catsparella Podcast with you!
In this episode, we go "On Location with Catsparella," as I discuss my experience on the set of the new Fancy Feast "Storybook Wedding" commercial shoot! I also share my exclusive interviews with celebrity wedding planner Colin Cowie, and Fancy Feast cat handler, Karen Thomas, who answers the elusive question: Just what kind of cat is the Fancy Feast cat, anyway?
During the second half of the show, I respond to some of your burning cat questions, and we learn my take on the whole "Cats vs. Dogs" debate, in a segment I like to call "Kitty Q&A."
In this episode, we go "On Location with Catsparella," as I discuss my experience on the set of the new Fancy Feast "Storybook Wedding" commercial shoot! I also share my exclusive interviews with celebrity wedding planner Colin Cowie, and Fancy Feast cat handler, Karen Thomas, who answers the elusive question: Just what kind of cat is the Fancy Feast cat, anyway?
During the second half of the show, I respond to some of your burning cat questions, and we learn my take on the whole "Cats vs. Dogs" debate, in a segment I like to call "Kitty Q&A."
Stream the episode above (flash required), or click HERE to listen & download!
(Podcast is audio only!)
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Live on location with Colin Cowie
Fancy Feast Cat Handler, Karen Thomas with one of the kittens on the shoot
Meeting the Fancy Feast cat!
Meeting the Fancy Feast cat!
Links to topics discussed in this episode:
What is a podcast?
The formal definition of a podcast is, "A music or talk program made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet to a computer, personal mp3 or digital device."
What this means for you is, it's an audio show, and you don't have to have an iPod to listen! You can stream the episode directly from your computer, or download it for later listening on the mp3 player or other device of your choice.
What this means for you is, it's an audio show, and you don't have to have an iPod to listen! You can stream the episode directly from your computer, or download it for later listening on the mp3 player or other device of your choice.
The Catsparella Podcast is an extension of the blog, where I will go more in-depth on topics that I'm not able to in a traditional written blog format.
Beyond pictures, news, and videos, Catsparella goes deeper into kitty culture, highlighting everything from cat art and fashion, to cupcakes and celebrity cat gossip. We get exclusive interviews, feature unique products, and dig up all of the latest cat dirt you won't find anywhere else!
The Catsparella Podcast is produced by James H. Carter II for Monster Movie Media. If you are interested in sponsoring a future episode of show, please contact me at catsparella@gmail.com for more information.
Spread the word! Vote Catsparella for Best Social Integration Blog at the 2011 Petties Awards, and if I win, I'll donate the $1,000 prize to Tabby's Place Cat Sanctuary! You can vote every day through July 29th!
Visit http://www.dogtime.com/petties to vote!

Rats!!! I am on a temporary laptop...mine got fried last week (brand new laptop)...I am on a temporary one from Best Buy....can't see this but I can hear it.....great to hear your voice!!! Is it possible to have this in shorter segments so we can hear it bit by bit?
Hi Caren!! It's only audio, so there's nothing to see! :) At the moment I don't have it available in segments, but I'll look into it!!
Ooh, however, if you listen to it on a program like iTunes, if you stop it and come back later, it will resume where you left off.
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