In case you haven't seen it (which if you are reading this, is highly unlikely), the premise behind the latest viral cat video, "Walking for Kisses," is simple, and that's what makes it so brilliant. In it, Pork Chop the tabby strolls along to the chant of "walking for kisses," while his owner, Prince, crawls alongside of him, administering the promised smooches at every beat.
That in itself might not seem so impressive, but the infectious chant, along with the fact that Pork Chop pauses, and raises his head in anticipation of the impending kisses, is what makes it one of the most positively adorable cat videos that has crossed my desk in a long time.
Prince Gomolvilas
The man behind the video is Prince Gomolvilas, an award-winning playwright and performer who has had his plays produced around United States, in the U.K., and in Singapore, and has toured the country as part of the storytelling, song-singing, bingo-playing duo, Jukebox Stories.
Gomolvilas currently lives in Los Angeles with his beloved cat, and co-star, Pork Chop, and recently agreed to answer some of my questions about the viral video sensation.
Read on for more!

Baby Pork Chop
Please tell us a little about Pork Chop. How old is he, how did he come into your life, and what are some of his interests?
Pork Chop is eight years old.
When he was just a baby, a friend of mine found him and two siblings abandoned underneath an apartment building and then took them to the Humane Society to be fostered and adopted. Because Pork Chop had awesome extra toes (yes, he's polydactyl!) just like a neighborhood cat I loved when I was growing up, I decided he was the one I wanted to adopt. We hit it off right away (though he may just have been a little bit high from my hand-sanitizer fumes).
Even though Pork Chop has basket full of cat toys (and some of them were expensive!), he doesn't really like any of them. He much prefers paper bags, cardboard boxes, playing chase, meowing at birds outside the window, watching TV, and, of course, walking for kisses.
How did "Walking For Kisses" come about? Did you train him, or did he train you?
Ever since he was kitten, I would give Pork Chop kisses on the top of his head. (How could you not kiss that?!) Eventually, he knew that whenever I hovered over his head that I was going in for a kiss, so he decided that he would start meeting me halfway. I don't entirely remember how the walking came about, but I think he's the one that showed me how to do that. I of course added the "walking for kisses" chant and only do it in that high-pitched baby voice because I can't imagine doing that routine in my regular, dignified voice. What I think is funny is that eventually Pork Chop would lead walking for kisses, and he would lead me all the way to his food bowl.
Pork Chop is precious
Since June 28th, "Walking for Kisses" has generated nearly 150,000 views on YouTube (and growing!).
Were you surprised by the instant popularity of the video?
Pork Chop already had a bunch of videos that got a considerable amount of Internet play, but I always knew that Walking for Kisses would be his hugest hit. I didn't quite anticipate, however, how big it would be and how fast and wide it would spread. I think it's deserved, though, because it was nearly two years between the last Pork Chop video and Walking for Kisses. We would've gotten this out much sooner, but it's been difficult getting Pork Chop to agree to do it in front of someone else, with a camera, on command. A friend of mine who was visiting from out of town (who Pork Chop loves) was able to get the shot almost as a matter of luck.
How does Pork Chop feel about his newfound fame?
Pork Chop is very down to earth, maybe even a little blase about it all. He loves that so many blogs and news sites picked it up and that people are circulating it through Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks--but he's already turned down offers for the video to be aired on the G4 cable network and on the Fox News Channel.
Have you gotten any marriage proposals from over-zealous cat lovers?
Ha ha! I've seen flirtatious notes in the comments section of blogs and such, but no outright marriage proposals. As I said on Twitter: "Walking for Kisses will turn out to be either the best thing to ever happen to my dating life OR the absolute worst. Place your bets!" I know that tons of people find the video adorable, but I also understand how some people might think it's super weird. But I just ignore the haters--because I get to kiss Pork Chop and they don't! For the record, I will consider any and all marriage proposals (but they also have to pass through Pork Chop).
Pork Chop is a cat of many hats
Can you reveal any plans you and Pork Chop may have for a "Walking For Kisses" sequel?
Pork Chop does exactly one more "routine," and I think Walking for Kisses fans will think it's really cute. We just have to luck out again and get it on video. (When he was kitten, he used to play fetch too, but he doesn't do that anymore.) Aside from that secret video, there are two more Pork Chop videos I want to make that I think people will love. So...not a ton of video ideas in the pipeline...but it's definitely about quality over quantity at this point.***
Thank you so much to Prince for taking the time to answer my questions! We will be anxiously anticipating Pork Chop's next YouTube hit! He also lets us know that you can keep up with Pork Chop on his Facebook page (, and on YouTube.
To learn more about Prince as playwright/performer, visit his website,, and follow him on Twitter @princegom.
All images courtesy of Prince Gomolvilas/Pork Chop's Facebook Page.
All images courtesy of Prince Gomolvilas/Pork Chop's Facebook Page.
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Pork Chop has been engaged to my cat, Sophie Tucker, for two years.
Prince had best remember that binding contract before he fields any other proposals.
Kudos on this "exclusive" interview! I enjoyed every moment!
I loved reading about how Porkchop often initiates the "walking for kisses" leading Prince to his food bowl.
This was such a great interview!
This was a great interview! He had me at "Baby Pork Chop." What a cutie!
Stephanie, I love this so much! Pork Chop and his daddy are just the dreamiest... Great interview!!
That is so cute! I love that his name is Pork Chop too. I had to laugh at that. I'll probably be circulating this video quite a bit.
Awww it's so cute!! I smiled big when I saw this video. How sweet!
This post make my day !
I never do " "walking for kisses", I Must Try !
Awesome, wonderful interview! And I love that Pork Chop is all blase about his new You Tube sensation status, he's all grounded and stuff - a well raised cat.
This was such an entertaining and fun interview! Prince has a great sense of humor and Pork Chop is pretty darn awesome!
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