Is this slender faced silver feline the next Anderson Cooper? After an image of the journalist appeared on the Cheezburger site TotallyLooksLike, he took to The Ridicu-List where he opined, "It does sort of look like me," before launching into a giggle-filled tirade, claiming, "I don't know who you are, or where you're from, or whether you were heretofore unaware of my steely blue eyes, but you and I have nothing in common. I mean yes, I once peed on the floor, but who hasn't in Wolf Blitzer's billiard room?"
So what do you think? Does this cat totally look like AC, or is it just trying to cash in on his fame?

he does have a resemblance with the cat
Yup, this CAT does look like AC
Hmm, I wouldn't cry out doppelganger right away, but I can see some similarities!
There's definitely a resemblance, but I don't think he can compete with those ears! =^..^=
Yes! I could see Anderson Cooper immediately when I looked at the cat!
The ears are mesmerizing me!!! No idea who AC is, but love the cat >^..^<
You find the greatest stuff. Thanks for sharing that.
pawhugs, Max
Anderson Coo-purr? Totally.
Oh theese one is a good one! We say: Totally Looks Like! (PS: Anderson Cooper is one of my TV boyfriends...)
Love the pictures, and love Anderson's great sense of humor about the whole thing.
OMG they are like they were separated at birth! lol
Did you watch the rest of this? The Larry King one with the monkey was sooo funny!
OMC,this is hysterical!
Hahahameow! He does!
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