Soft kitty, warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
Purr purr purr
Longtime fans of the The Big Bang Theory know all about "Soft Kitty," a sweet little ditty Sheldon urges Penny to sing to him when he's sick, just like his mom used to do.
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
Purr purr purr
Longtime fans of the The Big Bang Theory know all about "Soft Kitty," a sweet little ditty Sheldon urges Penny to sing to him when he's sick, just like his mom used to do.
The tune was an immediate sensation when it first appeared on the show back in 2008, inspiring recurring appearances, and a wave of t-shirts and fan art in its wake. Now comes word of the official "Soft Kitty Singing Collectible Plush," a tabby crooner that will serenade you at the squeeze of her dainty little paw.
Sadly, the toy won't be ready in time for the CBS comedy's fall premiere, but fans may want to add it their Christmas lists. It's available for pre-order now from Entertainment Earth, with a tentative November release date.

oh thank goodness it isn't ready now! lol
I just ordered that darned necklace yesterday!
You owe me a BIG, STRONG DRINK at BlogPaws!! (KIDDING!!!!!)
@Caren LOL, you got it! ;)
you silly girl I am kidding!!! I will gladly have a drink with you but you do NOT have to buy it!
We will toast to all of the wonderful new items in my collection that I bought from YOUR FABULOUS blog!
I can't wait!! xoxo
Ummm...this needs to be in my life. I am always looking for an aider of all ails and what better way than a soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fuuurrrr!
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