Catsparella 2011 Petties Acceptance Speech
Thank you so much for voting Catsparella as Best Social Integration Blog at the 2011 Petties Pet Blog Awards! The awards ceremony was held virtually this year, so Dogtime asked us to record a video acceptance speech. I will also be presenting Tabby's Place with their $1,000 check tomorrow Catoberfest! Thanks again to everyone who took the time to vote, and to James from Monster Movie Media for helping me put together this video!

That was a lovely acceptance speech, and you look beautiful. And perhaps best of all, I finally fully grasp what "Social Integration Blog" really means!! MOL. Congrats to you and to Tabby's Place. I'm sure it will make you feel great to present their check tomorrow. All the best to you. And oh yeah, I was vote vote voting like a Baby Stoat for you to win, so I'm sure that helped! =^..^=
Thank you, Julia!! Clearly, your votes worked!! :D MOL, you know I had you in mind when I mentioned that part in the speech!! Thank you again xoxooxo
very warm and down-to-earth, very natural. Loved it!
* slow clap *
Seriously though, congratulations! I just love this blog. And you do a great job at making being cat crazy seem cool :D
-- Megan
Congratulations on your win. I love your blog and I love sharing it with my fellow cat and dog lovers. You're an inspiration. I wish you every happiness and success. Love your kitties, especially, when they;re in all those cute campaign hats.
Good on you, Stephanie. I'm so happy for the recognition of your hard work. Enjoy Catoberfest and give that adorable Tashi a cuddle for me.
Wonderful video! Congratulations again! I'm so glad we got to share the moment when they announced the winners with all our cat blogging friends.
Great video! We are so happy you won! Yay, Miss Catsparella!
@Caren Thank you!!! From your lips to God's ears..! :)
@Megan Aww, thanks! I don't have to make it seem cool because it is totally cool hehe :D
@Tasha Thanks so much for your kind words and continued support! Comments like that are what inspire me to keep blogging!
@Lolcat Lisa That's so sweet of you to say! I will definitely give Tashi some lovin' on your behalf :)
@Ingrid Thank you so much, and congratulations again to you too! I'm glad we were all together, too! It was a total cat takeover! :)
@Clooney Thank you, furriend! I miss you! I know I have been terrible about visiting lately..I will have to fix that!
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