Welcome back for another edition of Caturday, where we catch up on the week's latest cat news, and get to meet some of your amazing kitties!
This week brought us glorious cat naps, expensive cat sculptures, silly cat songs, indie cat actors, modern cat fashions, bully cat translations, and last but not least, parody cat advertising for Hissey Miyake, Catfish Dior, Scratch Watch, and more!
I also want to thank everyone for the wonderful comments they left on my post about meeting with Animal Communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick, and to those who commented on the "Tripping Hazard" cat ID tag post from yesterday too, because they gave me a good laugh!
Also, don't forget I have a fantastic giveaway going on right now for a Kittypod Geodome cardboard habitat from H.J. Mews! You have until this Tuesday, September 6th to get your entry in, so click HERE for all the details!

Tinky and JazzSpur
This week's feature feline comes to us from Terri in Ohio, who writes in about her feisty cat Tinky, who's been keeping everyone in check (horses, cats, and people, alike) at the racetrack where she works, for the past 13 years!
Terri writes:
This is Tinky. She is discussing the morning events with JazzSpur. He is a (trotter) harness race horse. 'Tink' was born at Northfield Park Racetrack 12 or 13 years ago. She is without a doubt the boss of the barn. She still runs unwanted (at least in her estimation) cats out of HER barn, climbs up to the rafters and cuts across to the other side of the barn, and successfully hunts birds, bugs, and mice!
Oh yeah - almost forgot - when one of the horses irritates her she has NO PROBLEM at all to stand up and box their nose! LOL!
Tinky catching an early morning cool breeze on a hot day (Lasers at the ready for any unwanted kitty intruders!)
Special thanks to Terri for sharing Tinky's tale with us this week! There's nothing like a beautiful, independent ladycat who's ready to defend her territory and throw a few punches when the going gets tough!
p.s. Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend, and that all of the kitties are able to catch their last window whiffies of summer!
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always accepting submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to catsparella@gmail.com, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share! I can't wait to hear from you!

My goodness Tinky!! What a little tigress you are!! Sorry I could not stop by earlier Catsparella - still getting caught up after BlogPaws, but wanted to wish you a con-catulations on your Pettie win and tell you how wonderful it was to see you again! Happy Caturday!
Tinky sounds very brave to punch the horses! She's got powerful lasers, too :-) It must be fun to work with horses at a racetrack.
I hope everyone Happy Caturday!!
Oh I love Tinky. Se is my kind of Boss Girl Cat. xxxooo to her!!! I j]hope I win the Geodome. MOL
I used to watch Sonya on her TV show and really enjoyed it. I sure wish they would bring that back! How awesome that you got to meet her in person.
Hey, do you remember Cooper the Photographer Cat from Must Love Cats?? I interviewed him for the RPO blog – come check it out!
Thanks for linking up for Weekend Cat Blogging!
Well, somebody has to be boss. Why not Tinky? Cats are naturally bossy, you know.
Happy Labor Day! Great story.
What a cool cat! Love the picture of Tinky and JazzPurr.
Hehe, she's definitely the boss of the barn! Thanks for sharing your story!
Tinky, that is a big friend you got there!
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