Caution - Tripping Hazard Pet Tag, $10.00
Some cats are trippers, while others are not. If you have a tripping cat, you know exactly what I mean.
Charlie is a tripper cat, to the max. Wherever you go in the house, he is sure to be underfoot, wrapping his lithe black body around your legs at the most inopportune of moments. I cannot even count how many times he's come close to losing one of his nine lives after me or a family member tripped and almost fell over him due to his snakelike maneuvers.
If you have a cat like mine, perhaps you too would benefit from this cheeky "Tripping Hazard" pet tag by Ebonypaws. While it's doubtful that even a blaring yellow ID tag would help my situation (he always gets me around the refrigerator when I'm not paying attention), it could at least warn visitors and other innocent bystanders to take caution.
Ebonypaws designer Stephanie (love her name!), says that the humorous design was inspired by her own cat, Jack who is also a serial interloper.
She says, "I think sometimes he might be out to get me...especially around stairs or when I'm just getting out of bed. :)"
Do you have a tripping cat, too? Let me know in the comments!

ha! They should make traffic cones, too.
Our cat, Miss-CAT-O! is also a serial tripper! Her favorite tactic is to streak right across in front of you, just like cars that cut in front of you to cross lanes on the road. No one has taken a tumble yet because of it, but we come close to it every day. Her favorite time to do this is first thing in the morning when we walk down the hallway towards the kitchen right after we get out of bed.
My cat lives with my dad about 40 minutes away from me. One day he called me and told me he was afraid he had broken one of kitty's legs (because kitty is a tripper!) and he had limped off and couldn't find him but had to go to work. So I skip all my classes and drive out 40 minutes to see if the poor thing is ok. Luckily he was fine, probably just startled. My dad really can't complain enough about him as a tripper though. Some cats just need the love/attention 24/7 and will literally get under your feet to get close to you.
That is great - but unless it glows in the dark or something, mom is still in trouble. Mo's favorite tripping hazard is to lay in the middle of the hall in the dark in the middle of the night....
Yep Darcy is a tripper. I'll walk down the hallway and suddenly hear a galloping behind me and he'll literally race past me then stop right in front. I've also fallen down the stairs twice having been outmanouevered by him!!
Bobo was a "tripping cat" and Cody most DEFINITELY is!
Cody primarily does it when he is on one of his relentless quests for food...he thinks if he has me fall to my death he will get fed faster :)
Now, if only that tag came with an audiable
proximity alert system...
It's not so much our cat, because he sleeps in exactly the same spot every night, so I know where to find our Chairman Meow. But, his sister, Maggie, the dog, is another matter. I've considered glow in the dark doggy shampoo to correct the problem of stomping on a dark dog on the dark floor in the middle of the night. Now whenever she sees anyone coming her way - she jumps up - too many stomped paws.... Happy Saturday.
I can't even count how many times I've nearly twisted my ankle because of Moo!
Hilarious! That is why my cats wear bells so that I can hear them. Plus I have Persians and you can hear them snorting all the time too. Really helps when you have no peripheral vision!
Add some LED blinking lights and possibly some sound bites and I think we have a winner for one of our crew!
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