Watch out, Anja Konstantinova! Let a real professional show you how it's done!
I first posted about couture cat fashion house CatAtelier when it opened earlier this year, but I had to go back for more because I can't even take how hard Toki Nantucket (yes, that's his name!) is giving it in these pics. Someone give this cat a contract, right meow!
Black Felt Beret - $20.00, CatAtelier (Neck Scarf, sold separately.)

After we saw your post a while back...that's when Coco order her new red beret...tres' chic!
YOU are GORGEOUS my red beauty!!!
hurray!! :D You should have seen me when I was uploading the photos from this photo shoot into my computer. I was screaming with girly happiness. I immediately sent pics to my boyfriend saying that Toki is a supermodel, that he's the male feline Kate Moss (which is the highest praise in my book). He was totally posing, and giving me his Zoolander blue steel (or green-gold steel). He makes my cat items look awesome. And he is still such a sweetheart. I'm so proud of him. Thanks Catsparella for posting about him again. it made my day!
Coco and fur family look SO chic in their red beret. And their mom is fabulous at putting together the cutest outfits with it.
Thanks Admiral Hestorb- :) Toki is actually a ruddy, not red, but he has a lot of rich red tone in his ruddy fur. His whole family has it. Jacoby (who is a distant cousin) from Aby-a-Day blog has it too.
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