I'm not here to hate on the Kardashians because I respect their hustle (and um, I watched their 4-hour wedding special), but one thing in particular that raised my hackles about Kim's Fairytale Wedding Extravaganza was Kimmy K.'s downright rude treatment of Kris Humphries in regard to his dogs.
She freaked out at the idea of Brody and Gizmo sleeping in bed with them, calling it "unsanitary," before admitting that SHE doesn't even sit on the silk comforter herself. Granted, if my bedroom were regularly broadcast on national television, maybe I'd be more uptight about the cleanliness of my home too, but making your significant other feel like their pets are dirty and unwelcome isn't kosher, whether it's staged or not. In part two of the episode, things got even worse when she flew to Minnesota to spend some "quality time" with Kris at his modest abode, where she ripped into him some more for having pictures of the dogs everywhere. (He defended himself by saying he was a dog guy, or something of that ilk.)
Some people just aren't animal lovers, and I get that, but at what point does you personal preference become downright disrespectful to those you love? For many people, single or married, their pets are like children to them, and while at different points of the program, both sides gushed about the potential parenting skills of the other, I wonder how Kardashian will handle a baby, when a little poop and eye boogers (another point of contention) send her anal retentiveness into overdrive.
Now of course it's possible that the conflict was manufactured to pass the time, and maybe Kim's not so animal-hatery after all, but the whole thing has still brought up questions about compromise, the role pets play in our single (or not-so-single) lives. Have you changed your lifestyle in regard to your cats because of a significant other? I mean, I'm not sure I'd ever mesh with someone who hated kitties, but what if I fell in love with someone who was allergic to them, or treated them with similar disdain? Am I judging Kim too harshly here, or when it comes to romance, do the needs of your significant other outweigh those of the pets who came first?
Image credit: Morguefile

I don't think I could live with someone who didn't love cats as much as me. Daz hadn't ever had any pets before but he soon fell in love my kitties and they adore him.
Our families both think it's disgusting to let cats sleep on the bed but I wouldn't have it any other way.
@Beth Aw, that's so sweet! And now he even wears the "Real Men Love Cats" shirt..I love it! :)
Luckily all of my boyfriends have loved my cats. If I ever went out with a guy that was allergic to them I'd tell him to get some Zyrtec or it's over, lol.
What I thought was weird is that the Kardashians always seem to have several dogs themselves? And I recall an episode where Kim found a stray and tried to help him through some health issues?
I reckon it was manufactured and not a good message to send to the world.
@Megan I like the way you think! ;)
@Rumbles Omg, you're so right! I remember that ep..who knows what the real story is, but I say leave the poor pups out of it!
My husband was willing to compromise with me on this. He doesn't hate or dislike my cats, they just make him really sick. So can't pet them or get too close to them but he's willing to put up with that for me and I'm thankful.
@Amanda That's a great guy right there!
Seems like a strange thing to discover about your husband AFTER you're married. His love for his dogs is obviously an important part of who he is, yet she belittles it. How could they have not talked about this? Does not bode well for said marriage.
@Ann They were basically arguing the whole 3.5+ hours of the special leading up to the wedding (which took place in the last 15 minutes, I kid you not), so this particular bone of contention was probably the least of their worries when it comes to the fate of their union, lol. I understand her concerns, and am all for compromise, but it was her attitude towards him that was just very off-putting.
glad I read what rhum typed before I shot my mouth off lol.
I initially was going to say D-I-V-O-R-C-E
I always said if I ever was faced with the choice of choosing between a man and my cat...the cat would ALWAYS win :)
I am married and my guy loves both my dogs and cats (even though he had never had any experiences with either dogs or cats before meeting me).When I was single I would never continue a relationship with someone who didn't love my animals.Being with someone in my opinion , doesn't mean forcing them to give up what they love or making them feel bad about what they choose to love!!
the critters in The Cottage
@LP So true! Perfectly stated! :)
I saw the wedding too - and thought the whole crate thing and drama was really rude.
When I met Matt I invited him over - but told him I had cats (besides Mar there was Monty - who took off one day and joined the feral gang in our complex & would not let me near him again). He said no problem - he did not even care when Monty sprayed his backpack (Monty had some behavioral problems I found him on the streets as a kitten)...
Later I got to go to Matt's home and was greeted by his mom's cats - like 8 of them! He let them crawl all over him!
Love me, love my cat/dog. My pets will be around long after any man will be.
I only married my husband because my fur babies approved(dogs and cats)
And the Kardashians didn't last long, did they?
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