It's not even a year into his residency yet, and Larry the famed 10 Downing Street cat has already penned a book accounting his first 100 days as the official "Chief Rat Catcher." Well, it's more of a diary (aka "swift-moving satirical narrative"), that "pits Larry against the evil King Rat and his legion of cheese-eaters," while "still finding time to spill the beans on what life with Sam and Dave is really like."
Sam and Dave, of course, being Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife, Samantha.
Sounds interesting, but what I really want to read about is Larry's days on the street before being rescued, and his rumored relationship with Maisy the tabby!
The Larry Diaries
is available now on Amazon.

Interesting !!! and Actually me and mom love to hear your review : )
Will be getting the book just for the lowdown on Dave and Sam (being a Brit, I have vested interest!!!)
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