What do you do when you're a lovable twenty-six toed cat hanging out at animal control hoping to be rescued? You bop a visiting no-kill shelter worker on the head with your mighty paw, and tell her it's time to get you the hell out of there -- and then to thank her, you step in, and save the day!
That's exactly what happened to Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center owner Amy Rowell, who was at animal control to pick up another cat, but couldn't ignore Daniel, who seemed to tell her that she needed to take him, too. Rowell also couldn't ignore the cat's extra digits, which numbering at 26, are only two short of being a world record.
As if by fate, shortly after Daniel arrived at the rescue center, the organization found out that their lease wasn't going to be renewed. Quick thinking Rowell came up with the idea of having the unusual cat spearhead their capital giving campaign, which led to Polydactyl loving peeps from around the country sending in $26 donations in honor of Daniel's extra digits. It's been reported that the shelter has raised $80,000 for the cause since the end of October, with a staggering $50,000 raised from Daniel's supporters alone!
Since the story first broke, many generous folks have inquired about adopting the philanthropic feline, but it's been decided that he will become the shelter mascot, and live his life in the home he helped build.
As of December 10th, Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center, a no-kill organization with a mission of saving animals from facilities where they might be euthanized, has raised $56,609.08 towards their Phase Two goal of $70,000. If you're interested in donating to the cause, or learning more about the organization, click here for more information.

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