James and Ray Taylor
I always get excited when celebrities share pictures of their pets on their various social media networks. Not only does it normalize them in a way (They love their cats, just like us!), but it also helps battle against the silly stereotype that cats are only for people of a certain gender and mental state.
Over the weekend, singer-songwriter James Taylor posted a video of his American Shorthair, Ray Taylor, making a new year's resolution to "catch more fish" on the Friskies Cat Fishing Game app. (The human Taylor notes that no iPad's were harmed in the making of the video, but the virtual fish weren't so lucky).
The discovery prompted me to dig for some extra dirt on the almost famous feline, where I unearthed a few more videos and pictures of him in action. It appears that Ray lives in harmony with the Taylor's other pets, a pug named Ting and a mouse named Evander, and doesn't mind getting a hand from the five-time Grammy Award winner for the sake of some YouTube views.
"In case you've been wondering how James' pets are faring....Here's Ting Taylor aboard her new vessel the SS Seabiscuit. Ray Taylor is waiting for permission to come aboard."

Thanks for sharing these! Three of my favorite things, JT and cats and Pugs!
Thanks for the great videos... Now the boys want one of those climbing things... Can't imagine that... Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
All my favorite things.....cats, pecan pie and J. T. :)
never knew that J.T. loved cats!!! I should have known!
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