Last night's Premier League match between Liverpool and Tottenham at Anfield stadium almost ended in cat-astrophe, as a misdirected tabby threatened the halt the game. While the poor thing was probably very confused and perhaps a bit frightened, he didn't show it as he confidently bounded across the field to the amusement (and consternation) of players and fans. His energetic romp ended up being short lived, however, before he was peacefully scooped up by a steward, and escorted out of the stadium for non-payment.
The furry game crasher generated a flurry of support from fans, who immediately made #ThatCat a trending topic on Twitter. User @blakemharris tweeted, "Leave it to twitter, to already have #ThatCat Trending Worldwide! Talk about a cat that would get adopted (if it needs home,) with ease :)" while @RobertOmbonyo quipped, "#ThatCat Somewhere there are a bunch of cats watching TV laughing saying "look it's Dave... he made it to Anfield."
Naturally, someone also went ahead and created a social media account for the insta-celeb (@AnfieldCat), that has already amassed over 26,000 followers in less than 24 hours.
The real Anfield Cat might be dismayed to learn this isn't the first time a feline crashed the stadium in hopes of achieving footballing fame. In fact, he was beat out 48 years ago, when a black and white cat attempted the same dash back in 1964.
Via The Daily Mail, with thanks to @MogsTogs for the tip!

My dad was born in Liverpool and is a huge Liverpool fan! I've actually been to Anfield stadium and we were told that if anyone other than a player, coach, trainer etc, steps on the grass you get a MASSIVE fine! Lucky kitty ;o)
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