Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Cattiest Of Cat Sweaters

New York Fashion Week was disappointingly void of feline fashions this year, save for the appearance of the Opening Ceremony x Glamour embroidered cat sweater making its way around the city. Luckily, Spanish designer Miguel Adrover made up for the omission in a fantastic way, with the inclusion of this sock puppet inspired cat sweater at his Fall 2012 presentation.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I rate this look totally pawesome!


  1. HahaMeow...I made a Halloween costume one year that was kinda like this...Cat PJs, T-Shirt that read "Sleeps with Cats" and life sized stuffed cats pinned all over it...

  2. @Teri I love it!! Do you have a pic??

  3. @Caren LOL - So you wouldn't hang out with me if I wore it?? :)
