A day at the "spa" for my cats generally consists of a quick nail trim and a once over with the Furminator. However, for some lucky British kitties, The Pet Spa at Harrods department store in London is a one-stop shop for the ultimate pet pampering experience.
As anyone who watches "Toddlers and Tiaras" knows, it's good to get them started young, so the salon offers a complimentary 1-2 hour "Kitten Mini Groom" for guests under 4-months-old, described as "gentle dead hair removal followed by a John Paul Wet Waterless Foam Shampoo, a nail trim, and a luxurious finishing cologne spritz."
The other luxurious services offered at the posh retreat closely resemble the options you'd encounter at a human spa - although as usual - cats get the short end of the stick. While dogs can choose from thalassotherapy mud baths (???), aromatherapy bath and body massages, and a blueberry and vanilla facial (including a relaxing head massage) - cats are limited to a full body groom, tear stain treatment, or a basic wash and fluff dry.
Lest your non-feline or canine pal feel left out, there's also a "Small Animal Groom" - reserved for rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, gerbils, and hamsters - which includes "everything your pet needs to 'look good naked.'" Tortoises are treated to an olive oil treatment and pedicure "for the body conscious tortoise," consisting of "a relaxing, rehydrating body wash, followed by a nail clipping and olive shell treatment to finish."
Other spa services include Animal Communication and Reiki, Weight Management, and Personal Fitness Training. Cat grooming sessions begin at £65 ($102 USD) for a Senior Stylist (described as having "at least 3 years of experience at the top of their field"), and £95 ($150 USD) for the Head Stylist (an award winning competition groomer). And we're not even going to get into the 4-hour spa day experience (for dogs and puppies only, sorry) that includes playtime, naptime, lunch, and afternoon tea that tops out at £295 ($466 USD).
Once you drop all of that cash on getting your pussy posh, naturally you're going to want to document the experience. Worry not, because for an additional £19.95 ($31 USD) you can order up your "Pet's First Haircut Souvenir Photo" to capture the before and after of their first groom.
While I pack my bags and consider if I have what it takes to administer puppy facials and tortoise treatments, you can read more about what a typical day at The Pet Spa is like over at The Daily Mail.

Oh my...I'd go for it!
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