Who needs a Boo The World's Cutest Dog plush, when you can have your very own Shironeko, The World's Chillest Cat doll? Shiro, the Japanese export also known as Basket Cat for his penchant for sleeping in baskets and balancing them on his head, recently posted images of the life sized plush, that matches the 9-year-old cat right down to his squinty eyes and pink jellybean toes.
Given Shiro's zen like habits, I imagine owning a stuffed version of him wouldn't be much different than owning the real thing. According to his website, the plush will go on sale in March, but there are no details yet on its price, or if it will be available to fans outside of Japan.
Can you imagine if they started making these for all of the world's favorite cats? I'm pretty sure the sale of a Maru doll would crash the internet, and I don't think you'd ever be able to get it out of the box it was shipped in!

O!M!C!!!! Serious want!!
Great article!!! Yes! I want one and I want a Maru too! this was high-larious: "...I don't think you'd ever be able to get it out of the box it was shipped in!" hehehe
So cute! I want a plush Mar!
OH MY. Can you imagine a plush Maru?!?!
oh my cattttttttt...where to buy it?
@Anna Thank you!! :)
@missmuffcake I was thinking the same thing - if I could go into the cat plush manufacturing biz, I'd be rich! ha!
@starification I can actually, lol!
@Zhang I'll post if there's any updates!
heeheehee. too funny about a Maru doll. They should totally make one. Someone should suggest it to his owner.
This doll is really cute, they did a really good job on the feet: they are adorable!
I so want to own one!
wow..... how to get this , i want ,i want , i want one ASAP (^:^)
weee i want one how to buy one of my favo Cat in europe NL i need one no two noo i take 3 dang i take a hole box hehe ... shiro, maru , and tamma the japanese station cat are my 3 famouse love cats on the net may they live long and prosper >^:^<
http://sun-arrow-giftshop.com/SHOP/K5527.html if anyone can japanese - here you can buy it!
But thi price... 13440yen! it's around $170! Ouch. :(
I really really want one of these!
Thanks for the update, Epe! I'm going to write an update post now!
I hope they'll be available, at a much lower price, here in the United States of America soon.
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