He may only be 1'2" and weigh 9.7 pounds, but despite his slight stature, Eureka, MO native Buddy is Friskies' top cat gamer and undefeated champion of their latest interactive app, "You Vs. Cat."
In honor of March Madness, the cat food giant trotted out Buddy to compete against college mascots from around the country, where the fluffy tailed tabby swept the first ever "dual species" iPad match (but to be fair, how easy can it be to aim towards a goal when you're wearing a large fur bear costume?).
Unlike Friskies previously released interactive games for cats, "You Vs. Cat" inspires some friendly competition between you and your feline. Human players fling playing pieces towards a goal, that kitty must try to block for points. Each game is the best of 50, and all points for Humans and Cats are added to the You vs. Cat World-Wide Leaderboard, which currently tallies strongly in favor of the felines.
The free app is available now for download on iTunes - where the brand also offers some helpful tips for gameplay. Pre-game activities include assuring your cat is comfortable on a bed or mat (so they don't slide around), and teaching them the "wait" command so you can touch the tablet screen without them swiping at your hand and splattering blood all over your expensive electronic device (just kidding!).
If you were on the fence about getting the new iPad, you now have the purrfect excuse!

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