Tired of puff pieces being shoved down your throat by the traditional media? Then why not go straight to the source! My most trusted news website is The Fluffington Post, "your #1 source for breaking news and investigative journalism FLUFFY ANIMALS."
FluffPo has been around for awhile, but I've recently been getting into their patented blend of cute animal pictures mixed with non-sensationalistic feline reporting. While not all of their posts revolve around kitties (dogs, squirrels, and ferrets are featured, too), it's always important to see how the other half (or in this case, other species) lives.
I picked out a few of my favorite entries below, but I'd encourage you to visit FluffPo for yourself - lest risking embarrassment when you're out with your friends and have to sheepishly admit that, no, you haven't heard of Zoey, the hamster chef who landed her own series on Food Network.
Senator Korbi, a DemoCat from Colorado, has proposed legislation that would change the name of Saturday to “Caturday.”
“With so many Americans working second jobs on the weekend to make ends meet, it is imperative to remind them that those two days are for fun and relaxing,” says Erin Stackhouse, communications director for Sen. Korbi’s office. “The senator’s bill will do just that.”
However, critics from both parties have rebuked the bill, calling it a “self-serving farce.”
“With the national debt at $15 trillion and many Americans still out of work, this is not the kind of bill we should be spending valuable legislative time on,” a representative from House Speaker John Boehner’s office tells The Fluffington Post.
Via John Dennett.
Images have surfaced via MEOW! magazine depicting a famous Australian cat caught in what appears to be a compromising position. Spokespeople for the cat are calling this a “sick stunt to sell copies of a publication and prop up a dying industry,” while editors at the magazine say that the cat’s fame means she lives in public and photos like these are fair game.
Those interested in the full, uncensored photo set should visit the MEOW! website.
Via .robbie.
According to sources, a kitten tree in Thousand Oaks, CA has produced a bumper crop of one kitten. ”I never thought I’d see the day,” said owner Troy Atkins. ”Seriously, I thought the lady who sold this to me and told me it was a kitten tree was off her nut. But now… I mean, results don’t lie!”
Via jm2c.

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