It's not unusual for cities to play up their unique attributes in the name of tourism, but one Malaysian town has taken it to a whole new level, transforming themselves into a mecca of sorts for cat-lovers from all around the world.

The City of Kuching, which means "Cat City" in Malay, has decided to "milk" its catty moniker for all its worth, and have erected several kitty-themed statues throughout the town. There's the happy feline family seen up top, and a large, white cat (seen above) that welcomes all who come to visit (I even found several pictures of him dressed up in different outfits, seen here and here).

Kuching Cat Museum Building
The headlining attraction, however, is the Kuching Cat Museum, located on the Ground Floor of the Kuching North City Hall Headquarters, in a building that looks one part futuristic space dome, one part Scientology Center. Inside, ailurophile's can delight in 2,000 exhibits, artifacts, and statues about cats from all over the world. Highlights include larger-than-life cat statues, cat tchotchkes, cat posters, pictures of cat tattoos, and even an Egyptian cat mummy dating back to 3500 BC.
In addition to simply being a repository of feline memorabilia, the museum also bills itself a research center, devoted to collecting, presenting, and promoting the rich cultural history of our feline companions. While it may not be the only cat museum of its kind in the world, I think it's safe to say you won't find another one quite like it anywhere else.

To see a lot more images from inside, check out an extensive collection from fee_dodo on LiveJournal, or visit the Malaysian government website for more information.
Know of any cat-themed travel destinations, or have some cool kitty vacation pics you'd like to share? Email me at catsparella@gmail.com!

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