Yummy celebration treats!
Today is a very special edition of Cat Cupcake Tuesdays because for one, it's Charlie's 7th birthday! I will try to convince him to take an "official" birthday picture later today, but for now, our friend Maggie has sent over a fun cupcake recipe to help celebrate your cat's very own special day!
Last week, Maggie's Maine Coon, Petunia (aka Tuny), celebrated her 2nd birthday, and she wanted to share a recipe for kitty cat birthday cupcakes that proved to be a huge hit in her house!
Petunia's Kitty Cat Cupcakes (makes two cupcakes)
1/4 cup of flour
2 eggs
4 tbsp. of tuna, broken into small bits
2 shrimp, boiled
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients. Pour the mixture into a muffin pan, bake for 15-18 minutes, or until a toothpick is clean when inserted into the middle of the cupcake. We garnished ours with some tuna Temptations treats and shrimp (cooked through, of course!). But, the possibilities are endless!
The kitty cats (Sebastian and Petunia) checking out the treats. Or, in Tuny's case, goin' for the shrimp!
"You're still not done with your cupcake?"
A very happy and full birthday princess
Special thanks to Maggie for sharing her recipe and pictures with us, and Happy (belated) Birthday wishes to Miss Tuny! It looks like she had a purrfectly wonderful day!
Have you created or spotted any kitty-themed baked goods (or other foods) lately? If so, please submit your sweet tips for Cat Cupcake Tuesdays to catsparella@gmail.com!

happy birthday charlie!!
How cool! I need to make some cupcakes like this for my babies one of these days...
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