A furry police officer in Kyoto, Japan is getting paid for his crime fighting skills... in kibble! Iemon (pronounced ee-eh-mon) was rescued as a kitten by Police Sergeant Yamada's wife, and now spends his days hanging out at the station, and helping investigate fraud cases.
Over 30% of the town's population is made of up of elderly residents, who are frequently targeted by telephone scammers who trick them into wiring over funds. Sgt. Yamada thought it would be a good idea to bring Iemon along on his investigations to help the victims feel more at ease, and had his wife make the cat a very official looking uniform for the job.
The sergeant tells a Japanese newspaper that when Iemon is with him, the seniors tend to listen to his advice more carefully and are also more eager to discuss their problems. With a precious little face like that, can you blame them?
Via Blog Wrath

Oh how I wish they did such a thing here. Just to have a cat at the Station..
what beautiful eyes he has!
I love his little police officer suit!
Looks so cute in the uniform. That would be great to have something like that here.
Sue B
Such a sweet story....what a gorgeous kitty!!! His suit is FAB.
; ) Katie
Lemon is a total stud muffin! What a guy...not that I am interested...as I am an only cat...but cat, look at those blue eyes! Whew! (waves paw in front of face)...but I have to ask...how can they get that cat to wear those clothes???? ugh
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