(Click images to enlarge)
How do you make just about any website better? Temptations Canada recently rolled out a wacky new browser add-on that will whip any online destination into a "feline frenzy" with their cracked out cat treats. (And with all of the racket it generates, it might bring a few real cats running, too.)

To access it, simply visit the Temptations Facebook page, and drag the bag of virtual treats to your bookmarks bar. Next, visit any website (like your favorite cat blog, for example), and click the 'KittyCat Hijack' bookmark. Start shaking the bag of treats to capture the kitties' attention, and next thing you know, it's a KittyCat Hijack! (There's an instructional video here if you need help). One shake yields a lone kitty peeking out through the middle of the page, while several generate a psychedelic collection of fun loving felines, plus a musical soundtrack accompanied by purrs and meows.
Silly? Sure, but still tons of fun. I've already "tested" it out on Catsparella, People, Jezebel, Catster, and USA.gov.
Via Temptations Canada Facebook Page / Creativity Online (Thanks for the tip, Alison!)

HahaMeow! Luv this! Fangs for sharing!
LOL!!! Very cool! We need to get Mommy to do this NOW!
OH MY COD!!!!!!!
This is THE most CLEVER thing I've EVER EVER EVER seen!
I am SO going to have to share this!
I just tried it on m blog and I'm squealing!!!
xo, Glogirly
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