If cart pushing was an Olympic sport, the cat in this video would definitely be going for the gold. Just look at this fleet-footed feline go!
You know how some countries pour millions of dollars into their Olympic training programs so they don't get shown up in front of the rest of the world? I'm pretty sure that Japan has a similar program for cats to ensure that they consistently produce the cutest, funniest, and most bizarre cat videos on the internet.

Via Say OMG / Gif: The Fjelstad Manifesto

That is the most adorable video I have seen in a long time!
Those Japanese cats...what CAN'T they do?!?!
I don't know why this is making me laugh so hard but it is! Kinda looks like me at the grocery store :)
@Caren LOL, me too!
hahahaha...that is just sooooo Cute!
I love this! So simple, so cute!
OMG, ha ha, love it!
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