After the meteoric rise of Dog Shaming, the Tumblr where owners submit images of their remorseful pooches confessing their most embarrassing secrets, it was inevitable that a blog where cat owners could "tattle-tale on their naughty nyans" would emerge in its wake.
The only problem is, while dogs are actually sorry for their indiscretions (or rather, good at looking sorry with those sad, puppy-dog eyes), cats know nothing of this emotion we call "shame." Many of their misdeeds revolve around indiscriminate puking, peeing, and early morning breakfast requests, which most kitties consider to be perfectly socially acceptable behavior.
Check out a few of my favorite "confessions" here, and visit Cat Shaming for a deeper look at the lighthearted side of feline humiliation.

Via Cat Shaming

Indeed. I see no evidence of shame or guilt, only of smugness or defensiveness. Bad kitties.
OMC Numbers 2 and 3 are CODY!!! lol
Oh noes, why does my Mommeh have a marker and piece of paper out?
Kitty #1 needs a full pardon. Peeing on an UGG boot should not be a crime.
There are more funny shamed cats here www.catshaming.co.uk
I need to make one about peeing on the couch and humping the kids' stuffed animals!
Peeing on an Ugg boot should be rewarded, as should peeing on Crocs :)
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