Welcome back for another edition of Caturday, where we catch up on the week's latest cat news, and get to meet some of your amazing kitties!
This week, Venus the chimera cat went viral, Tucker lent a paw in a feline assisted wedding proposal, Choupette Lagerfeld turned one, Lea Michele covered Nylon wearing cat ears, cat face cupcakes changed the cat cupcake baking game, noted cool cat lady Grace Coddington designed a kitty inspired capsule collection for Balenciaga, and we caught up with a mischievous kitty named Mr. Six who was rescued from the abandoned Six Flags New Orleans amusement park as a kitten.
Elsewhere, don't forget to enter for your exclusive chance to win a Cat Birthday Party Kit from Fancy Feast! I'll be drawing the 10 lucky winners on Wed. 8/29!

This week's featured feline is a very special black cat who has brought nothing but love to his proud mama and the rest of his extended furry family!
Gemini writes (via Mama Laurie):
Hi, my name is Gemini and I am ADORABLE! My mama found me through a friend in Tennessee and she loved me before she ever met me! She flew all the way from Oklahoma to pick me up, along with my sister, Gypsy. Gypsy lives with my Gma, tho. But I have lots of company here!

I was born with a problem. My back legs don't look like other kitty legs. They're a bit short, I'm told, and they come to a purrfect point! Every day, I'm getting stronger and using them more, tho! I also have a "funny" foot in the front, they tell me. Mama said its "clubbed". But I don't know what that means. It works fine for me! Wish I had more of them sharp thingies on it, tho, like I have on my other front foot.

I have a big brother that I completely idolize! His name is Stewie and he's a year older than me. He's teaching me everything he knows! For some reason, mama says that's a BAD thing! But he takes good care of me and he has since the first day we met. He gives me baths a lot. I must me dirty! I am awfully dark... He lets me play with his tail and I love that game! Sometimes, mama says I bite too hard and he gets upset at me, then he pins me down, but I always chase him away in the end! I can take him!

I have a few other brothers and sisters, too. My oldest brother is Trouble. I try to play with him sometimes, but he's kinda grumpy. My brother and sister, George and Gracie are litter mates, whatever that means. I haven't seen George too much. He mostly runs and hides from me. Gracie just sits and watches me from a distance. Then there's my sisters, Beau Beau and Skeeter. They're litter mates, too. Almost a year older than me. They're finally letting me play games with them!

I have a brother, Wasabi, and a sister, Bunny, who look a lot different than I do. Mama calls them "dogs". They don't know how to purr! Isn't that funny? Wasabi is my favorite! He gives really good baths and he likes to take naps with me! I love to snuggle!

I have my own Facebook page, too! Okay, I share it with my brothers n sisters, but its MOSTLY mine! www.facebook.com/geminites is the address, if you wanna check it out! In just a few weeks, I got more than 1,000 "likes"! That's a lot of friends! Mama says I'm a REALLY special boy!
Special thanks to Gemini and Laurie for sharing their uplifting tale with us this week! Wasabi and Bunny sound pretty cool, even if they are DOGS! ^_^
p.s. Looking for even more Catsparella? Check out my weekly columns over on Catster!
This week:
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always accepting submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to catsparella@gmail.com, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share! I can't wait to hear from you!

These black kitties are so cool looking! This post made me smile, thank you! =^-^=
P.s. you do great work, I look up to your successful cat career! Not sure why it took me so long to find your blog & Catster contributions, but glad I did!
What a special beauty!!!
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