New cat couple alert? Electro-house music star Deadmau5 and celebrity tattoo artist Kat Von D are both noted cat lovers, who regularly share gratuitous kitty pix through their respective social media accounts. Now it appears that the creative duo have sparked a relationship over their shared passion for music, ink, and felines, which they took public yesterday, when Deadmau5 posted a huge "a day with the kats :D" photo album on Facebook, featuring the inked glamazon cuddling with his two beloved felines, Professor Meowingtons pHd and Miss Nyancat.

Von D is a hairless cat enthusiast with a Sphynx named Piaf, who came into her life after the untimely loss of her previous cats, Ludwig and Valentine. Deadmau5's kitties, Meowingtons and Miss Nyancat, both have their own Twitter accounts, and Meowingtons also recently teamed up with Sol Republic to create the world's first pair of tiny headphones for cats.

While Kat is staying relatively mum about the affair, Deadmau5 has already tweeted that he's in love with the former reality star. It's unclear if a Kat and Mau5 can ever overcome their differences, but for the sake of the kitties involved, let's hope that these two crazy cat lovers can work things out.
Via Facebook (deadmau5) and Twitter (@deadmau5, @thekatvond)

Im a huge deadmau5 fan and of course meowingtons phd cute cute! omg does Joel finally have a gf that loves cats too? love the pics.
So, umm, per your second paragraph- if Kat Von D is a hairless cat enthusiast what is all that black stuff atop her head? ;)
TOO BAD SHE'S A CAT KILLER :( http://www.tmz.com/2012/05/29/kat-von-d-lawsuit-fire-cat/
@Anon It was an accident. She didn't intentionally set fire to her house with her cat and all of her possessions inside.
The pictures are beautiful!
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