Having already conquered the whole of the internet, Maru has bigger fish to fry than low-budget cat videos. The online icon, whose has previously appeared in commercials for Fresh Step cat litter, is now purrfecting his hustle in an online promotion for Japanese fashion brand UNIQLO.
To celebrate the opening of their new San Francisco store, the retailer recruited the box-aholic to be the feline face of their interactive Lucky Cube giveaway. Unfortunately, Maru doesn't figure into any of the pawesome prizes, however his proclivity for climbing into square shaped objects makes him the ideal candidate for deciding whether you win UNIQLO clothing, a Blimp Ride, or a Mystery Prize (which in my case, ended up being a free track by singer-songwriter Goapele). Thanks, Maru!
Play Lucky Cube with Maru at uniqlo.com/luckycube, and redeem your prize at the UNIQLO Pop-Up Experience through Sept. 16 and starting Oct. 15 at the Union Square flagship store in SF.
Check out a bonus behind-the-scenes clip here!

Via BuzzFeed

Ohmygod just look at him he is so cute *_*
That's a really great website: It's clean, clear, interactive, works smoothly, and you win stuff! Thanks Stephanie.
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