What would it be like if cats went to school? Terry deRoy Gruber aimed to find out in the 1984 classic, "Cat High: The Yearbook." Designed to resemble an actual yearbook, the book's black and white pages are stuffed with superlatives and scrawled signatures alongside silly photos of clothed cats, in the spirit of fellow 80s parody mags like Vanity Fur and Catmopolitan.
As the description explains, "For those unacquainted with Cat High, it is located in the town of Paw Paw near the famous battle of Gerbil Hill. The student body is made up of such pursonalities as Earnest Bootstraps, Fred Fur, Curiosity Kildecat, and Eugene Fuzzerelli. But as hilarious as the text is, it is the hundreds of pictures of cats, in all their human outfits and expression, that will make readers cat-atonic with laughter."
Principal Thelonius T.G. Bones Grimm IX
Kitty Tyler Katz
"A good coat is worth a thousand licks."
Phyllis Snippitt
"It's not what you say or do, it's how you look when you say it."
Waylon Squeeks
"I went to the levy but the levy was dry."
Christofurr Fenwick Eggenliver Sandwich III
"If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell." -- General Sheridan
Ratzy Rizzo
"Splash," "Captain Q"
"I can resist everything but temptation."
Rufus Cubs
"Diamonds are forever."
Collin Devereaux
"Humor is wit with a rooster's tail feathers stuck in its cap."
Felicia Faye Tirebiter
"I didn't ask to be bused to Cat High. My parents didn't even vote for President Johnson."

Poor Felicia Faye!
i gotta get this!
I want this yearbook!
Oh God....I remember reading this years ago and laughing so hard, it took me 2 hours to get through it because I was crying from laughter so much!
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