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St. Petersburg, Russia, home to the famous cats of The Hermitage Museum, also houses a different kind of feline attraction, in the form of a cafe filled with kitties.
Cats Republic follows in the tradition of Japanese cat cafes, where patrons pay a fee to hang out with cats while enjoying beverages and snacks. Employee Anna Chugunova says that the cafe got its name because its residents are "free and independent cats who cannot be forced to play or be carried around if they don't want to."
All visitors "crossing the border" into Cats Republic must apply for a visa, and have their height measured in cats. The cafe also features a feline-themed library and exhibit area, along with a gift shop.
Cats who live/work in cafes are typically well cared for, and visitors must abide by strict rules to ensure their happiness and safety. There are now over 40 cat cafes in Japan, and the trend has also been spreading across Europe, where the first cat cafe in Vienna opened this spring.

Via The Daily Mail

"...and have their height measured in cats."
Hee, hee.
What a great idea! If I ever open a cafe, it will definitely be filled with cats, and maybe it will have chickens in the backyard too.
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