Hey Facebook!
Forget tears and temper tantrums! One social media savvy pair of siblings from Newton, Mass., turned to the internet to make their cat adoption dreams come true.
7-year-old Remi, and his 1-year-old sis Evelyn, pled with their parents for a kitty, to no avail. Hoping to placate the kids, their dad, Dan Urbano, came up with a proposition he was certain would fail: If a picture of them asking for a cat reached 1,000 likes on Facebook, the feline would be theirs.
Eager to see the social experiment in action, their mom, Marisa, posted the picture on Nov. 7 with a sign that read: "Hey Facebook! My sister and I really want a cat! My Papa promises we can get one if we can get 1000 LIKES! Please like this picture! Thank you!"
Obviously, the irresistible combination of children and cats was more than the internet could handle, and within hours, the duo met and surpassed their goal by over a hundred thousand responses (the post currently stands at 110,000+ likes and 100,000+ shares).

Welcome Home Hairyette Pawturr!
The results aren't a surprise to anyone except for the Urbanos, who obviously missed the memo that the internet is made of cats. Fortunately, Papa Urbano remained true to his word, and the family visited Gifford Cat Shelter this past Saturday to pick up their new kitty, Hairyette Pawturr.
Via ABC News / Images: Facebook (Marisa Papile Urbano)

Best story ever : }
Smart kids. Dumb dad. But thanks for adopting a shelter kitty, guys!
how awesome is that little girl's expression~ LOL~
This is a great story! Power to the paws and the children. Let them carry on!
Awww, wonderful story.
Hairyette Pawturr?! BEST KIDS EVER.
I kind of dislike this story. I think the father and mother should have made a decision one way or the other and stuck to it instead of basically saying he would do what ever the popular decision was. It's a bad precedent to choose your actions based on what gets you the most attention on Facebook.
I'm with anonymous. That cat is now living in a household where one member, one of those to whom most of the cat care duties will fall, actively doesn't want a cat. I hope he changes his mind when he gets to know Hairyette but I'm worried for her.
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