Thursday, November 29, 2012

Feline Fashion Must Have: Kitty Dresses by Romwe

L to R: Cat Face Pullover and Black Kitty Dress

Looking to meow that tomcat's socks off under the mistletoe this Christmas? Hold court as the ultimate crazy (chic) cat lady in these feline-inspired frocks from street fashion slingers, Romwe. Stocks are limited, and prices range from $49.99 to $56.99 each.

Black Kitty Dress

Cat Face Black Dress

White Catty Dress

Cat Face White Dress


  1. Soooo cute! I know a certain someone who would look adorable in the black ones....YOU!

  2. So cute! Though I don't think I'd wear em lol.

  3. The romwe site won't load and if you google romwe a blog post about several people who have never recieved their goods from romwe appears quite highly.

    Seems a little dodgy - eek!

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  4. These dresses will look great on my daughter, the cat face white dress is nice and the price is also very reasonable.
