Folksam reklamfilm: Evas katt
Folksam is one of the largest mutual insurance companies in Sweden, and wants all of their owners to be happy and stuff. In the spirit of giving back, they dedicated their latest commercial to policyholder Eva, whose "heart beats for the cat."
Eva's feline-inspired tribute comes in the form of skydiving kitties, set to the tune of R. Kelly's inspirational late-90s hit, "I Believe I Can Fly." Through the wonders of technology, the cats soar and paw bump their way through the air, before finally parachuting back down to earth.

Via Uproxx

That very cute. Love the way the cat's tail was all fluffy and pretty.
Since I´m swedish I see that commercial every day on TV :)
Both me and my mom-person and dad-person think´s it´s cute and funny.
@Kjelle Aw, that's so cool! :) Is there any part of the translation that I'm missing?
This kind of creeps me when I see a photo of a cat sitting in a dryer...
Catsparella , No you haven´t missed a thing in your translation into english :)
Thank you, Kjelle Bus!! <3
The paw-to-paw is adorable!
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